June 29th, 2023
Replanting the Birthing Trees Connections Workshop 2023 - Online Event

This workshop aims to build ‘awareness’ of the impacts of complex trauma on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and how to provide culturally and emotionally safe trauma-informed care. This interactive workshop will be co-facilitated by an Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal facilitator and use a ‘two-ways’ thinking framework, reflecting on both Aboriginal and western understandings.
Professor Catherine Chamberlain, PhD, MPH, Msc Public Health Practice, RN, RM
Catherine Chamberlain is a Palawa Trawlwoolway woman (Tasmania), Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Career Development Fellow and Head of the Indigenous Health Equity Unit in the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne. Catherine is a Registered Midwife and Public Health researcher with over 25 years’ experience in maternal health, and has worked in remote, rural and urban settings across health service, government and university sectors. A descendant of the Trawlwoolway people (Tasmania), her research aims to identify perinatal opportunities to improve health equity across the life course.